John F. Stamm jstamm at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Mon Jul 26 11:16:51 EDT 1993

The problem may be with your specification of the minimum size of
exterior basins.  Exterior basins are first order basins.  You give
the minimum size by specifying "t=1":

   /usr3/grass4.0/etc/water/seg el="elevation at PERMANENT" de="lakes at PERMANENT" 
   t=1 ba="basin1" ar="relate1" ac="accum1"

I don't know what your units are, but if this is in meters, then you are
allowing the computer to make drainage basins that are only one sqare meter!
A more practical value would be on the order of 1000000 square meters or 
more.  Then your first order basins would be a kilometer on a side, or 
larger.  Otherwise, your program will run forever.

John Stamm
Interactive Computer Graphics Lab

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