8th Annual GRASS GIS users conference

Scott Madry madry at landfill.rutgers.edu
Tue Mar 9 12:18:29 EST 1993

                    FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT

8th Annual GRASS GIS User's Conference and Exhibition

March 14-18, 1993 Hyatt Regency, Reston VA

Hosted by: U S Geological Survey, UDSA Soil Conservation Service,
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Sponsored by: The Open GRASS Foundation
"A Forum for the Promotion of Open Geographic Information Systems"

You are invited to participate in the 8th annual GRASS GIS users conference
which focuses on the theme "Open GIS: The Integration of Application Resources
with GRASS GIS". Special emphasis is placed on Social Sciences, Land Management,
Military and Engineering Applications, and Resource Management.

Topics for papers and posters include the following:

Environmental Planning and Compliance Applications

Natrual Resouces Management Applications

Demographic Analysis and Planning, community planning, parks and recreation,
and military resources investigations

Mineral Resouces Investigations

Monitoring Change--Imagery and GIS

Government Agency Missions and GIS solutions: law Enforcement, and Healthcare
and disease control

Expert systems/Artificial Inteligence and Decision Support Systems (DSS)
using GRASS

Soils and Agriculture--GIS Applications

Water Resources Applications

Global and Regional Modeling

Image Processing and GRASS

Technical Development and Enhancement of GRASS: X-window systems, computer
graphics, computer visualization, and GRASS ports, platforms, Software 

GRASS and RDBMS Applications

Database Interfaces-relational and object oriented

Exhibits and posters will be on display for general public viewing
on: Monday 11:30-10:00PM
Tuesday and Wednesday 9AM-9:30PM

Numerous vendors will have displays and booths


Workshops-Sunday March 14


Workshop #1: Introduction to GRASS-part 1

Workshop #2: Techniques of GRASS Application to Geographic Problems-part 1

Workshop #3: XGRASS

Workshop #4: LT+

1:30-4:30 PM

Workshop #5: Data Base Management and GRASS

Workshop #6: Introduction to GRASS-part 2

Workshop #7: GRASS-MAPGEN Interface

Workshop #8: GIS Data Sources

Workshop #9: GRASS Interfaces to soils Databases


Conference and Workshop Fees:  

Full Conference: $250

Per Day: $100

Students: $50

Workshops: $75

Banquet: $20

All attendees registered for the full conference will receive a voucher
for a GRASS 4.1 CD-ROM, containing the newest version of the GRASS GIS code,
and an invitation to participate in a special GPS Workshop by Trimble 
navigation.  This workshop is entitled GPS Workshop: An Introduction to the 
Global Positioning System, 

All conference attendees are invited by Trimble to participate in this GPS
workshop and field trip. It will demonstrate how to operate the GPS through a 
hands-on experience, showing how to collect GIS data inthe field and import
that data into GRASS. 

The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Reston Town Center,
1800 President St, Reston VA 22090. Tel (703) 709-1234, fax (703)-709-2291
The hotel offers a number of services for registered guests, including
complimentary shuttle services from Washington Dulles, and indoor lap pool,
complete health facilities, jogging trail, 18 hole golf course, restaurants,
and lounges. Single rooms-$103, doubles-$123. reservations must have been
 made by Feb. 17 (call anyway). 

Please mail your registration form, or send your name, organization, 
address, tel #, fax #,  and fees to:

The Open GRASS Foundation
Center for Remote Sensing
Boston University
725 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, MASS 02215 USA
tel (617)353-3200
Attn: David Schell or Pamela Cashman

Or register at the meeting. See you there!

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