semivariograms and

Abdel-Rahman%GWGrads%GWave at vines.ColoState.EDU Abdel-Rahman%GWGrads%GWave at vines.ColoState.EDU
Tue Mar 9 08:50:02 EST 1993

D. McCanle/D. williamson;
Grass users;

       What is the IP adress for '', is
is working fine ?,Is there are any GRASS/Semivariograms program via
anonymous FTP.
       If any body interesting i have a 2/3 D semivariogram program written
in fortran and another one for model fitting , is any body interesting to
help me link them to GRASS. Actually, i need somebody have the experience
and did link programs to GRASS before so we can work together. I already tested
these two programs against GEOEAS and GEOPACK and they are working fine.

                              Abdel-Rahman A. A.
                              e-mail:aa511704 at

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