INTERACTIVE Grass 4.0 binaries available
Ferdinando Villa
villa at
Tue Mar 30 06:23:50 EST 1993
I have uploaded today my gcc-compiled GRASS 4.0 binary distribution for
SunSoft's Interactive Unix 3.0. Everything is contained in a 19-MB
compressed tar file in the incoming directory on the moon site. The
file is isc.bin.tar.Z. I enclose the README file from the distribution
for more information.
Hope this will be useful. Best wishes, Ferdinando.
----------------------- README follows -----------------------------
The file isc.bin.tar.Z contains a binary release of Grass 4.0 for 486 machines
running Interactive UNIX 3.0. It should work with Interactive 2 too.
The binaries have been in use for some months and gave no problems. The release
contains the main and alpha distributions (no garden or contrib). Most, though
not all, paint and digitizer drivers are included.
The source has been compiled with GNU C 2.2.1 with full optimization and the
-m486 option: most modules will not work on a 386 machine. On my PC EISA
(with 16MB RAM and a 486 processor running at 33 MHz) the performance is
quite satisfying. The XDRIVER is compiled with the X386 public port of X11R5
by Thomas Roell. Everything is statically linked.
I cannot provide regular support for these binaries but I will keep the sources
around for some time.
To install you should simply create a directory for grass, move the archive to
it and untar. Then you must edit the definition of GISBASE in the startup
script grass4.0 to reflect your configuration. Nothing else should be needed
to get a working configuration. If you run into problems feel free to email me,
but please do not expect more help than I can afford providing. I do not have
a position here and I am working for free at the moment, so my situation is
quite unstable.
I hope this will be a useful service to the GRASS user community.
Sincerely, Ferdinando
Ferdinando Villa, dr.
Institute of Ecology Direct phone: +39-521-905615
University of Parma FAX: +39-521-905665
Viale delle Scienze e.mail: villa at
43100 Parma, Italy villa at
Ferdinando Villa, dr.
Institute of Ecology Direct phone: +39-521-905615
University of Parma FAX: +39-521-905665
Viale delle Scienze e.mail: villa at
43100 Parma, Italy villa at
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