
Brian Connelly bac at u.washington.edu
Wed Mar 31 14:28:22 EST 1993


I have tried using the GRASS ver. 4.0 program v.spag to clean
up a vector file but it does not seem to be working properly.
I can let it run for several minutes and the vector file in
the dig directory grows larger and larger while the last thing
written on the screen is 'line intersections'.  I have heard
that the v.spag program will sometimes continuously recreate
a line segment in a vector file and I thought that may be
happening.  Anyways, I have also heard that the ver 4.1 v.spag
works better and I was wondering if it is possible to lift
the 4.1 version of v.spag and insert it into my 4.0 version
of GRASS, recompile and use it, and if so, how?

Thank you,


Brian Connelly
College of Forest Resources                  phone:  (206) 543-5506
University of Washington  AR-10                FAX:  (206) 685-3091
Seattle, Washington  98195                  e-mail:  bac at hardy.u.washington.edu

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