diff between 4.1beta and 4.1 released?

Bill Hargrove hnw at mtqgrass.ESD.ORNL.GOV
Mon May 3 07:47:21 EDT 1993


     Is there a list anywhere of errors or differences between 4.1beta and
the released version of 4.1 - so that all of us who have taken the time to
test 4.1beta don't have to reinstall 4.1 to ensure that we are using the
latest and most correct version?

   ____                          Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    /  )      /  /      /  /     Environmental Sciences Division
   /--<   o  /  /      /--/      P.O. Box 2008, M.S. 6038
  /___/__<__/__/_     /  / _     Oak Ridge, TN  37830-6038
William W. Hargrove              (615) 574-1902
hnw at mtqgrass.esd.ornl.gov        (615) 576-8646 (fax)

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