GRASS4.1 & HP9000

Josef Fuerst fuerst at
Tue May 4 16:54:58 EDT 1993

Recent grassu mails indicated, that GRASS 4.1 final release is available.
Is that true? I never saw an "official announcement".

If GRASS 4.1 is released now: has anybody out there already installed it on
HP9000/400 or 700? Any problems?

Josef Fuerst

Dipl.Ing. Dr. Josef Fuerst
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur
Institut fuer Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und konstruktiven Wasserbau
Nussdorfer Laende 11
A-1190 Wien

Tel: +43 222 3692924 360
Fax: +43 222 3692924 350
E-mail: fuerst at

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