Making a GRASS 4.1 ROM - Waht do *YOU* want?

Rich Biby biby at
Wed May 5 08:45:52 EDT 1993

Hello GRASS folks!

I know there are already plans for the official OGF ROM in
cooperation with Young Minds, Inc, However...

The YMI ROM is supposed to only be the official 4.1 --
nothing extra, and nothing for fun. So, as a supplier of
data in a commercial sense, I am going to foot the bill
to make the ROM primiarly as publicity. Of course, there
is a LOT of extra room on there -- so the question is
what do *YOU* the real users of GRASS want to see put
on the ROM?

I am also having a hard time getting my hands on enough
different machines (HP, SGI, DEC) to compile GRASS to
make the ROM what I would like it to be. If you have
already compiled 4.1 on any thing other than a SPARC and
are willing to donate it (with credit, of course), please
send me a note. 

Thanks to all!

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