Making a GRASS 4.1 ROM - Waht do *YOU* want?

Lee De Cola ldecola at
Wed May 5 15:37:57 EDT 1993

Rich Biby, whom I don't know, has asked for suggestions.

How about some gridded population data, images of planets, fractal
surfaces (to test models), even pictures of Mona Lisa?

I could provide coregistered images of some USGS data, or better yet
the Eros Data Center could do so directly off of their own CDs, but
that would have to go thru channels.

> what do *YOU* the real users of GRASS want to see put
> on the ROM?

Make sure someone gives you a version for the DataGeneral Aviion!
> I am also having a hard time getting my hands on enough
> different machines (HP, SGI, DEC) to compile GRASS to
> make the ROM what I would like it to be. If you have
> already compiled 4.1 on any thing other than a SPARC and
> are willing to donate it (with credit, of course), please
> send me a note. 

Lee De Cola.
U.S. Geological Survey, 521 National Center, Reston VA 22092 U.S.A.
703-648-4178    fax 5542              ldecola at 

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