Grass4.1 Graphics Compilation:

Darrell McCauley mccauley at
Wed May 12 18:21:39 EDT 1993

[small note: would people mind hitting return every once in a while
 when composing message? :-) ]

Anantha Prasad (prasad at writes on 12 May 93:
>I have compiled grass4.1 on Sun Sparcstaion 2 under Openwindows Ver3. Before I compiled, I did NOT create /lists/local nor /lists/$ARCH. After I sucessfully compiled the GRASS directory using GISGEN.sun4, I uncommented relevant lines in the /lists/local.example file AND I altered the Gmakefile in $GIS/src/display/devices/XDRIVER/XDRIVER acc. to instructions (for Sun Openwindows). 
>          I then went to the $GIS/src/display/devices/XDRIVER directory and ran gmake4.1 and got the following error:

>cc -O -D_NO_PROTO  -I/usr/openwin/include -I/ever/grass4.1/src/include  -c SWITCHER.c
>./includes.h: 9: Can't find include file X11/Xos.h
>./includes.h: 11: Can't find include file X11/Xlib.h
>./includes.h: 12: Can't find include file X11/Xutil.h

check /usr/openwin/include/X11 to see if Xos.h, Xlib.h, and Xutil.h
are there. could be that your sys admin didn't installed 
the Programmer part(s) of openwin when doing a system upgrade.


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