Grass4.1 Graphics Compilation:

Amit Parghi parghi at
Wed May 12 18:31:04 EDT 1993

	When I try to run d.mon x1 in Grass4.1, I get the foll. error:
	Error:  could not execute '/ever/grass4.1/sun4/driver/XDRIVER'

It's perfectly OK to build XDRIVER by hand without putting it in any of the
"lists" files.  However, your problem is that you've failed to compile the
XDRIVER, so d.mon naturally can't find the executable file to run.

You said you're running under Openwindows v3; I assume that means you don't
have any other form of X available.  In this case, be sure that the
directory /usr/openwin/include is in the include path for compilation; to
do this, make sure it's listed in the XINCPATH variable in your "head"
file, in the form
	XINCPATH = -I/usr/openwin/include


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