khoros junkmail

Gerald I. Evenden gie at
Thu May 13 15:04:35 EDT 1993

>Precedence: Bulk
>To: grassu-list at
>Subject: khoros junkmail
>Status: R
>I wish to go on record as protesting the posting of the entire khoros
>FAQ list on the grassusers list.  A simple address to the location of 
>the khoros internet node containing the FAQs would have been sufficient.
>Anyone else out there resent this?

I'll second this protest.  In fact, I don't think any entry to a general mail
list should be NOT more than 50 to 70 lines, period.

While I'm at it, I'll also flame those who have rediculous signatures.

But I don't know what we can do about it other than an occasional
reminder of their sins.

Maybe we can get CERL to fix the re-mailer so it will only spit back
the first 50 lines.

Gerald (Jerry) I. Evenden   Internet: gie at
voice: (508)563-6766          Postal: P.O. Box 1027
  fax: (508)457-2310                  N.Falmouth, MA 02556-1027

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