xgrass problems

markp at per.dms.csiro.au markp at per.dms.csiro.au
Wed May 19 17:10:52 EDT 1993

We have finally got xgrass compiled up with its motif libraries etc, and have 
let our experienced user at it. He's reported a couple of problems

1. using xgdatabases, it does know the value of GISBASE, but works ok after
a setenv of it.

2. after displaying a raster map, he cant query it;i.e. r.what hangs

3. after displaying a number of raster files, he gets the message 'too many open raster files, unable to open raster map..
not able to open cellfile for...

4. finally, for now, it also looses track of the monitor;- says its not there.

Hope theres enough detail here. Thanks

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