GRASS in China?

Dominique Bachelet dominiq at
Wed May 19 12:42:00 EDT 1993

You should contact Hui Lin : ESRILIN at
He is president of the association of Chinese professionals in GIS.
He might help.

We are also working on China, mostly interested in climate change
issues, and rice. We are working in GRASS and have a few datasets.
I would be very interested to hear about your work there.

Dominique Bachelet                *  If you plan for one year, plant rice;
US EPA Env. Res. Lab.             *  if you plan for 10 years, plant trees;
200 SW 35th Street                *  if you plan for 100 years, educate the
Corvallis OR 97333                *  people.
Tel: 503-754-4314                 *
Fax: 503-754-4338                 *                       Chinese proverb
Email: dominiq at  *

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