Printing Grass4.1 Programmers Man.

Kenneth R Brownfield brownfld at
Mon May 24 17:50:19 EDT 1993

|I would like to know how much different is the grass programmers manual
|of grass4.1 compared to grass4.0. If its not very different then why
|print it.(If you already have the 4.0 prog manual)
|Maybe some body out there can put up the salient features of the
|stuff that has changed in the 4.1 prog manual.

     I would personally suggest getting and printing the entire GRASS 4.1
Programmers' Manual.  There were a lot of typos and errors, not to mention
additions.  OGI may in the future keep very good track of all changes to the
Programmers' Manual, but for now the changes were made without a complex
tracking scheme.
     One major addition has been a new digitizer files chapter for the new
GRASS 4.1 v.digit.  I will place this chapter on the moon in /grass/incoming
for a week.

|Nalneesh Gaur
Kenneth R. Brownfield               |         brownfld at |
Office of GRASS Integration, United | grass-lists-owner at |
States Army Corps of Engineers      |   grass-ftp-admin at |
Construction Engineering Research   |                   (800) USA-CERL x526 |
Laboratories, Champaign, Illinois   |                   (217) 373-7222  fax |

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