Grass4.1 on HP9000 ?

Bill Dailey 490-8324 (303) dailey at
Mon May 24 11:56:10 EDT 1993

->GRASS4.1 has been installed on a HP755 a 126 mips machine. There were no
->problems at all except for minor deleting of declarations in the code when the
->machine complained. other than that two programs in the imagery section
->did not compile, I do not recollect which ones.

->Nalneesh gaur

could I get a copy of your head file in the directory  (  src/CMD/head )
for xgrass for your HP computer.  
I got questions about (X and Motif) library links.  

William J. Dailey, GPSR Systems Analyst
Great Plains Systems Res.      TEL: 303-490-8324                              
P.O. Box E                     FAX: 303-490-8310                              
303 South Howes  Rm. 227       FTS2000:  A03RLGPSR                          
Fort Collins, CO  80522        INTERNET: dailey at 

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