Looking for a new position

Wed May 26 14:23:00 EDT 1993

GRASS Laboratories:
  With several years experience using GRASS software  on  Decsta-
tions,  the  SUN Spark II and a Macintosh with A/UX, I am looking
to relocate and use my GRASS expertise  in  interesting  applica-
  I will consider positions within the U.S., but would prefer  to
live  in  Europe, Asia or Australia.  I have previously lived and
worked in Thailand, Switzerland, and Alaska, and can adapt easily
to new environments and conditions.
  I have a B.S. degree in Biology (Wildlife  Management  and  GIS
emphasis)  from  Central Washington University, 1991.  Major pro-
jects completed include: classification and ground-truthing of  a
TM image for vegetation relating to elk habitat management; digi-
tizing a land parcel map of Kittitas County,  Washington  (26,000
parcels covering 2500 sq. miles) which is now used by planners in
making zoning regulation decisions; and creating a RIM data  base
for  the land parcel map, and using it to extract subsets of par-
cels and tabular information.  I have experience with GRASS  data
transfers to formats such as DXF, DLG-3 and EPPL7.
  For a complete resume please contact me directly.

Eric Grinaker
613 E. Manitoba Ave.
Ellensburg, WA 98926
Phone: (509)925-1235

or send an E-mail message to

Dr. James Hinthorne
GIS Laboratory
Central Washington University

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