Has anyone run GRASS on Solaris2.2/Sparc LX's?

Darrell McCauley mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu
Sat May 29 05:09:14 EDT 1993

Laxmi Prasad Musunur (mlp at forestry.auburn.edu) writes on 20 May 93:
>	The whole discussion was due to a similar question by someone.

not exactly.

>Laxmi Prasad Musunur (mlp at forestry.auburn.edu) writes on 11 Apr 93:

>>>	We're going to buy a new workstation for running GRASS.
>>>The choice could be either a SUN SPARC2 or a LX. Could someone
>>	I think LXs come with Sun Os 5.x, also known as Solaris 2.x .
>>But that shouldn't be a concern.
>>Laxmi P. Musunur

just to clarify, the issue here was which machine to *buy*, not
what specific problems one would encounter. If I had a pile of
money, I still might buy a Sparc 2 over an LX and then upgrade
when more of the bugs in Solaris were worked out (unfortunately this 
isn't the case - my personal sun is a dinosaur - I'm not sure
if Solaris will even work on it :-)

BTW, (and this is getting away from GRASS), but does anyone
know if the openwin-crashing problem is fixed in 2.2? (openwin
runs for about five minutes, then crashes in 2.1.) Let
me know if private email (some of my users are more apt to
openwin things like filemanager and textedit instead of 'ls'
and emacs).


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