probability surface from sites?

James A. Farley jim at
Thu Oct 7 10:37:04 EDT 1993

> One place to start is an option in the
> command that converts a site file into a raster 
> file that represents the number of sites within
> a raster cell, which you would set according to your
> needs beforehand with g.region. This would produce
> a raster map showing the number of lightning strikes
> per square _______. I suppose that you could then
> use r.mapcalc to divide that raster map by the total
> number of lightning strikes * 100. This would give the
> percentage of strikes per square _______.
> Close ?
> Mark Johnson
I think this option exists (number 7), on the sites menu.

James A. Farley 		Technical Director, CAST/NCRI-SW
						12 Ozark Hall, Univ. of Arkansas
jim at		Fayetteville, AR  72701
Voice: (501) 575-6159	FAX  : (501) 575-3846

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