GRASS logo

Sastry V. Dhara svdhara at
Thu Oct 7 21:38:57 EDT 1993

I tried to change the script "" and get it 
to display by using "d.graph".

This is what I did:

Made a few changes to the ""
Renamed it without ".sh" extension
Placed it in my current working directory -- from where I called grass.
Issued the command : d.graph
On being prompted for the filename, I gave the file name

I got the following error message:

GRASS 4.0 > d.graph

OPTION:   Name of file containing graphics command
     key: input
required: NO
enter option > /export/home.mars/svdhara/GrassWork/mylogo

You have chosen:
Is this correct? (y/n) [y] 

OPTION:   Color selection graphics
     key: color
 default: white
required: NO
enter option > blue

You have chosen:
Is this correct? (y/n) [y] 
Don't understand: EOF

Mapset <svdhara1> in Location <spearfish>


Any help will be appreciated.


Sastry Dhara

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