postscrip printing ( (3)

Bill Dailey 490-8324 (303) dailey at
Fri Oct 15 17:33:20 EDT 1993

->From: buckr at (Rosalie BUCK)
->Subject: & lat/long
-> will print vector maps based on lat/long only if the default region
->will fit into the one panel.  Selecting a region will cause to fail.
->Raster and grids accept the small region.  This effect does not occur with 
->UTM data.

Subj:	postscrip printing (  (3)

Dear Rosalie

I don't know if you were responding to my request, but it was a good starting
place to resolve the problem that I have been having displaying Vector maps
over Raster images in

YES, we were working with lat lon data.  I switched the mapset over to UTM,
still with raster & vector mismatch.

Could you please expand on what you mean by "default region will fit into the 
one panel."  Does this mean that there is a limit on the 
size of a X and Y values within a region is which can work.

thankyou to all 


->->We are having problems with It appears the raster and
->->vector files overlaid on top of the raster are at different scales
->->or at different offsets than the raster file. Is there a new and
->->improved version of this code out there that corrected for this
->->(ours was downloaded on July 7)?
->->Bruce Wylie
->This the second time we posted this question to the list,
->please help if you can.
->using   Update Package 2 installed
->    Using d.rast and d.vect.
->    When using a raster file and then over laying a vector file,
->    we get an image with a vector tightly wrap around the raster image,
->    like in example #1.
->    Using
->    When using a raster file and then over laying a vector file,
->    we get a nice raster image with a vector that fits nicely along
->    the bottom on the image but fails to stretch over the entire image,
->    like in example #2.
->                example #1               example #2
->                 /-----\                  xXXXXXx
->                /xXXXXXx\                 /-----\
->                |XXXXXXX|                |XXXXXXX|
->                 \XXXXX/                  \XXXXX/
->                  -----                    -----
->    What are we doing wrong?  We use extensively, never had a problem.
->example of our script follows
->using the command> input=bill.scr
->scale 1:250000
->maploc 1.25 0.0
->grayrast x5
->vector maj.250.hy
->   color black
->   width 3
->   end
->   color black
->   width 1
->   end

William J. Dailey, GPSR Systems Analyst
Great Plains Systems Res.      TEL: 303-490-8324                              
P.O. Box E                     FAX: 303-490-8310                              
303 South Howes  Rm. 227       FTS2000:  A03RLGPSR                          
Fort Collins, CO  80522        INTERNET: dailey at 

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