
Thierno S. Sow tsow at
Tue Sep 7 17:46:34 EDT 1993

Help needed to solve the following:
I am trying to copy image files contained in a location to another location
of smaller geographic area. That is, i want to cut the previous images to
a smaller area i am interested in. I do not have access to a location where
amachine has GRASS4.0 and is hooked to 9 track tape drive. Thus i had to dd
the image files (TMdata) to a machine hooked to a 9track drive, and then ftp
the files to another machine running GRASS4.0 in the directory /usr/grass4.0/
gdata/locationname/mapsetname/cell. Now I want to copy only that section of the
original image files to a new /locationame/mapsetname/cell ? can anybody help.

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