How Print Vector Attribute on Map ? ? ?

Bjorn Svensson bjorn at geog.GEOG.UCSB.EDU
Mon Sep 27 18:48:47 EDT 1993


How can I get a hardcopy map showing a vectorfile WITH ITS ATTRIBUTES.
I have a vector file with attributes/categories and I'd like the categories
to print in different colors or at least with attributes as labels.

I print with but I can`t get one vector file to print what I want, 
i.e lines with different labels (from v.digit) to print in different colors

I`m aware of the labels in and p.label but it seems like I have
to manually transfer the attribute to a label.  Can it be so stupid?

  ///////    Bjorn Svensson
  /     |
  / @---0    Department of Geography
  |      >   University of California, Santa Barbara
  |     <    Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
  |   _XX 
  |  |       e-mail : bjorn at

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