v.digit problem

Susan Huse sue at ced.berkeley.edu
Tue Apr 5 01:19:56 EDT 1994

> GRASS net--
> We're having a problem with v.digit's display window.  When we enter
> control points, chech registration, and define the digitizing window we
> seem to have a scaling problem in one direction (either the X or Y,
> depending on how we set up the map).  V.digit creates a long skinny
> window whose coordinates do not match the digitizing window we
> entered.  After this point, we can digitize normally, points returned
> from the digitizer have the correct map coordinates, etc., but they
> fall outside the bogus digitizing window on the graphics monitor.
> Please help!  We have run out ideas.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Michael Camann                          camann at dial.pick.uga.edu
> Department of Entomology                camann at phoenix.cs.uga.edu
> University of Georgia                   (706) 542-1388
> Athens, GA 30602                        (706) 542-2276
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

I have never heard of this problem, and I do my digitizing in UTM.
But, with that disclaimer, what happens if you set your windowing device
to mouse as opposed to your digitizing tablet?   You could then 
reset your window without reference to the coordinates on your map.

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