Ltplus on Linux

Dan Haskell danh at
Mon Apr 11 15:42:00 EDT 1994

In article <199404110817.AA15345 at> you write:
>> In February Andreas Holz responded on the net that he had compiled 
>> Ltplus sucessfully on Linux and offered to share the necessary 
>> changes. Since then I've tried to contact him directly but with no 
>> success (perhaps due to the vagaries of our X400 gateway to the 
>> Internet).
>Hello Jim,
>	Yes I compiled LtPlus successfully on Linux, but there were
>	still some run-time problems, which I did not fix, because
>	I4m running LtPlus on a SPARC meanwhile. Nevertheless I will
>	look for my porting report and post it.

Greetings all,

I recently posted on comp.infosystems.gis that I have ported LTPlus to
Linux.   Please note that this is a VGA version of LTPlus rev 2.36 plus 
additions (I'm calling it 2.40)  The version ported by Central Washington 
comes from much older sources (2.26??).  2.40 has the following virtues:

 (1) It is substantially faster than any of the X-Window versions.
     To be effective LTPlus *HAS* to be able to perform very fast zooms and
     pans.  IMHO this does not seem to be possible under X.

 (2) It is substantially less buggy then the CWU version.  John fixed a 
     number of bugs subsequent to the release used by CWU (I would not use
     the vector snapping routines in the GRASS version, for example).

 (3) It includes a screen dump feature.  2.40 will dump either the full or data 
     screen into a ppm file.

 (4) It includes limited command history editing.

 (5) It provides support for shells other than csh. When you shell out of the
     SCO or AT&T VGA versions you are rudely dumped into csh.  This version
     uses the users shell (korn, bash, tsch, whatever...)

 (6) It runs on a platform anyone can afford (A 386/486 with 8 megs RAM, 200
     megs disk, and Linux). No workstation required.

 (7) It will be Public Domain.  I plan on charging for distributions and,
     possibly, support (I don't know of anyone providing LTPlus helpline 

 (8) It will improve with time.  There are a number of features I have been
     dying to add to LTPlus (features John was too busy to add).  

2.40 is almost finished.  The basic functionality is there, I just need to
complete my additions (It should be ready Real Soon Now :).  Please send me
a message if you have questions, suggestions, or want to be on my mailing 
list.  Folks on the list will get a mailing early next week detailing
features and enhancements.

                                               Dan Haskell

PS. Please note that I *AM* highly appreciative of the work done by the USDA
(the Forest Service and Soil Conservation Service) and CWU (I don't know who
funded the CWU work).  LTPlus is the best GIS data conversion package I have
ever seen.  I hope this release will help prolong it's life.

"Sire, plague and pestilence stalk the land like, er, two huge stalking things."
					- Black Adder III

email: danh at                                  vox: (503) 257-9042

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