digitizer settings

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at cast.uark.edu
Tue Apr 12 15:58:33 EDT 1994

> Hi,
> I am trying to set up our Calcomp 9500 digitizer with the settings I received
> from Ken Sibley.  The digitizer I will be using is used being used by Arc-Info
> users.  I understand that it is possible to save a set of parameters, and that 
> the parameters used by arc-info are different than the ones for GRASS.  The
> problem I face is that the template was removed from the digitizer.  How do I
> "tell the digitizer" where the template is?  It would be nice if I did not
> override the Arc-info parameters in the process.  Also how do I save the GRASS
> settings to recall them when I start digitizing.   
> Thanks for any help.  Kathy
> Doyle
We use the following script to configure our Altek AC31 digitizer controller
for use with three different software packages (GRASS, Arc/Info, PCI). Perhaps
you can modify it to suit your requirements.

config_altek - written by Ravi Kiran, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies
#Program : To configure Altek Digitizer AC31

#confirm if this is the port being used for the digitiser

echo ""
echo "	Digitizer Setup"
echo ""
echo "	Program assumes serial port used is \"/dev/ttya\" "
echo -n "	Is this correct ? (y/n)	[y] "
read answer

#If default answer then serial port is ttya
if [ "$answer" = "" ]  || [ "$answer" = y ] 
	echo ""
	echo "	Serial port is $ser_port"
	echo ""
	echo ""
	echo "	Serial port is $ser_port"
	echo ""

echo "	Enter the Application Number :"
echo ""
echo "		1. PCI"
echo "		2. Grass"
echo "		3. Arc-Info"

echo ""	
echo -n "	Enter Choice [2] "	
read appnum 

case $appnum in
	1) 	echo "" 
	 	echo " 		PCI Mode selected for digitizer" 
		echo \033 > $ser_port	#Reset controller first
		#PCI setting	
		echo R2 > $ser_port	#Rate 2  
		echo I5 > $ser_port	#Increment 5  
		echo P  > $ser_port	#Point Mode  
		echo M1 > $ser_port	#Resolution 1
		echo F1 > $ser_port	#Format 1
		echo c1 > $ser_port	#Carriage Return on 
		echo l1 > $ser_port	#Linefeed on 
		echo B1 > $ser_port	#Beeper turned on
		echo W  > $ser_port	#Save in NonVolatileRam
		echo ""	
		echo "		Initialising done for PCI" 
		echo "" ;;	

	2) 	echo "" 
	 	echo "		Grass Mode selected for digitizer"  
		#Grass Setting
		echo \033 > $ser_port	#Reset controller first
		echo R2 > $ser_port	#Rate 2  
		echo I5 > $ser_port	#Increment 5  
		echo P  > $ser_port	#Point Mode  
		echo M1 > $ser_port	#Resolution 1
		echo F8 > $ser_port	#Format 8
		echo c0 > $ser_port	#Carriage Return off 
		echo l1 > $ser_port	#Linefeed on 
		echo B1 > $ser_port	#Beeper turned on
		echo W  > $ser_port	#Save in NonVolatileRam
		echo ""	
		echo "		Initialising done for Grass"
		echo "" ;;	

	3) 	echo "" 
	 	echo " 		ARC-INFO Mode selected for digitizer" 
		echo \033 > $ser_port	#Reset controller first
		echo R2 > $ser_port	#Rate 2  
		echo I5 > $ser_port	#Increment 5  
		echo P  > $ser_port	#Point Mode  
		echo M1 > $ser_port	#Resolution 1
		echo F10 > $ser_port	#Format 10
		echo c0 > $ser_port	#Carriage Return off 
		echo l1 > $ser_port	#Linefeed on 
		echo B1 > $ser_port	#Beeper turned on
		echo W  > $ser_port	#Save in NonVolatileRam
		echo ""	
		echo "		Initialising done for ARC-INFO" 
		echo "" ;;	

	[4-9] ) echo "		No Mode chosen !!"
		echo "		Digitizer settings not changed"
		echo "" ;;	

Malcolm D. Williamson - Research Assistant       E-mail: malcolm at cast.uark.edu
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies      Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12                                        Fax: (501) 575-3846 
University of Arkansas              
Fayetteville, AR 72701

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