r.mapcalc question. Please help.

Teresa Hansen teresa at lewis.enrd
Fri Apr 15 10:08:33 EDT 1994

On Thursday April 14th, tho following message was posted:

>Hello GRASS mapcalc gurus:  I have a problem .........
>I want to "patch" together buffered raster files using r.mapcalc.  
>I need to assign each of these files a different category value 
>and description.  Buffered files are automatically assigned just 
>two categories: 1 = actual location of area to be buffered and 2 
>= buffered area. 
> ..... stuff deleted ..... 
>Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I might accomplish this 
>in r.mapcalc....  
>I do not subscribe to this group so please do not post solutions, but rather
>send comments to:

I for one am really interested in hearing the r.mapcalc solution to 
this question.  If a response was sent could it also be posted for us 
looky-loos.  Thanks!


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