PC- X Servers: the product is Micro X-Win

Bruno Minoja MINOJA at icil64.cilea.it
Thu Apr 28 15:51:33 EDT 1994

A new public domain demo (realase 2.8.7) is avaiable 
via ftp anonymous at :

 winftp.cica.indiana.edu    pub/pc/upload/xwindemo.zip


Micro X-WIN
Micro X-WIN is for the user who wants to run X in an integrated environment.
Micro X-WIN will, by default of MS Windows, support all the popular graphics
accelerators which have a MS Windows 3.1 driver.  Cut and Paste of text
between MS Windows and X windows is supported.  X-WIN uses either the local 
Microsoft window manager or allows use of a remote window manager (motif, 
open look, twm, ...) in a single window mode. 

Supports:		FTP Software PC/TCP
			Sun PC-NFS
			Lanera TCPOpen

System requirements:	4MB+ memory
			4MB free disk space
			Microsoft compatible mouse and driver
			VGA/SVGA/Accelerators (Microsoft supported)
			ethernet card (packet driver supported)
			Microsoft Windows 3.1

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