No subject

Franck GUARNIERI guarnier at
Wed Aug 3 03:59:01 EDT 1994

| GUARNIERI Franck          | e-mail : franck.guarnieri at |
| Ecole des Mines de Paris  |                                        |
| CEMEF / IAM               *----------------------------------------*
| BP 207 Sophia Antipolis   |    FRANCKY LE DINGUE  !!!              |
|                           |                                        |
| Tel : +33 93 95 75 19     |                  '''                   |
| Fax : +33 93 65 43 04     |                 (O O)                  |

hello grass users

I 'am interested in cellular automata
Somebody knows some experiences concerning the link of a cellular
automata approach with grass ?

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