
Helena Mitasova helena at diego.cecer.army.mil
Thu Aug 11 14:35:47 EDT 1994


>        zmin_data=0.000000, zmax_data=0.000000
>        zmin_int=0.000000, zmax_int=0.000000
>        You'll notice that zmin_data and zmax_data are zero.
>        zmin_data=0.000000, zmax_data=860.000000
>        zmin_int=-763.460313, zmax_int=1086.388382
>        The actual values in the site file range from 52000 to 92000.
>        I guess the high values are cut of by dmin, but there's definitely
>        no value lower than 52000 (or 520 with zmult) in the site file.
>        (sh2 contains 4672 points of which 3714 are ignored due to dmin).

If your site file is correct your zmin_data should be 520 and zmax_data=920,
but the history file shows either 0 or 0 and 860. Check whether you are
reading the right file and whether it has the right format.
And when it still does not work, please put your site file on 
moon into grass/incoming so that I can look at it.


P.S. Has anybody ever observed incorrect zmin_data/zmax_data when
running s.surf.tps? (write me only if yes)

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