DLG Importing and displaying

Ry Jones rjones at halcyon.com
Sat Aug 13 04:12:47 EDT 1994

The stats:
486 running LINUX, 16Mb ram. SVGA X server using Trident 8900 driver. GRASS 
4.1 or LINUX. DLG-3 data from the USGS. And the need to display it.

Here's my problem: When reading in a DLG-3 file, how do I detemine the 
north, east, south, and west UTM lines? For example... the DLG for my quad 
has these coordinates:

+NW                                    +NE  
500001.27,5260510.65                   518827.76,5260540.81

+SW                                    +SE  
500000.06,5232728.04                   518917.99,5232758.35

As you can see, the X for the western edge is off 1.21 units in UTM.
The eastern edge is worse.

I guess my real question is, can someone give me a step by step "how to 
convert  DLG to a vector file using v.in.dlg, then display it using 
d.display" or something of that variety.

Sigh. I'd take just about any assistance offered. I have grabbed the 
archives for both grassu and grassp, and grepping around I didn't find this 

Summary to the list.
rjones at halcyon.com			       OG+GOT;
GCS/S/O: d? -p+ @c++++ l+(+++) u+++++ e+(*) @*m-(----) 
         s++/++ n--- h--- f+ g+ w++++ t r- x+
     Help! I'm a hostage of the US Postal Service!

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