DLG Imports and stuff

Ry Jones rjones at halcyon.com
Sat Aug 13 05:48:37 EDT 1994

I feel properly foolish now. I realize, upon reading missive after missive 
from the archive (which I didn't grep completely) that the correct method 
for reading in a DLG is to use v.import, not v.in.dlg. Life is much better. 
I can see my beloved DLG data. Now I need to figure out why, when I zoom in 
a window, I lose the datapoints in that window.

rjones at halcyon.com			       OG+GOT;
GCS/S/O: d? -p+ @c++++ l+(+++) u+++++ e+(*) @*m-(----) 
         s++/++ n--- h--- f+ g+ w++++ t r- x+
     Help! I'm a hostage of the US Postal Service!

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