Ken Sibley
ksibley at
Mon Aug 15 15:33:59 EDT 1994
> GRASS runs just fine over the net, keeping the binaries on an
> NFS server. The fifo's have to be on the local machine, though.
> Also, when digitizing, the v.digit binary should be on the local
> machine because devices can't be accessed over the net
Actually the binaries can reside on the NFS server; you will however
have to create a seperate entry for each digitizer with the correct
local port for each (in the etc/digcap file). Each entry in the
digcap file can only be used by one individual at a time therefore
requiring seperate entries for each.
> Martin
Ken Sibley
USDA-SCS/NCG "Hell, if you understand everything I say,
ksibley at you'd be me!" - Miles Davis
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