corrupt release?

Ry Jones rjones at
Fri Aug 19 05:05:47 EDT 1994

I have gotten the grass4.1 release of source code and the related file 3 
times now, and each  time I  get "Corrupt input".

This is not a "should have used Binary Traansfer, Dude!" style error, at 
least not the last time. I  double checked... my end defaults  to mode i, 
and I  typed  it in for  good measure.

Still, I get the message "Archive Corrupt".


Can someone  with a running, compiled LINUX install make me  a  huge tarfile
I can  FTP to  my home machine  and untar andjust have it  work?


I have grass 4.1 linux working, just not the source tree (which I need) and  
the related  files (which I need).

rjones at			       OG+GOT;
GCS/S/O: d? -p+ @c++++ l+(+++) u+++++ e+(*) @*m-(----) 
         s++/++ n--- h--- f+ g+ w++++ t r- x+
     Help! I'm a hostage of the US Postal Service!

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