
Simon Cox s.cox at dem.csiro.au
Fri Aug 26 00:50:28 EDT 1994

>>Can someone explain how g.setproj works.  According to the man page, it
>>should prompt for the projection.  In practice howver, it seems to read
>>the proj from DEFAULT_WIND.  The problem I'm finding is that the only
>>valid proj: values are:
>>       0:(xy)
>>       1:(utm)
>>       2:(state plane)
>>       3:(ll)
>>and g.setproj doesn't like anything else.  So how do I get nifty
>>projections like aea,lcc,merc,tmerc?  Note this is the same list that
>>comes up for me when making a new location.  Shouldn't that include all these
>Yes it should.  This is a severe weakness in GRASS.

... which was largely rectified in GRASS4.1 using proj:value "99" ("other")
which allows a _large_ selection of projections.  I use Lambert Conformal
Conic and Albers Equal Area regularly.  I suggest you update too.

Dr Simon Cox                             __  L
CSIRO Exploration & Mining            ,~'  L_|\       Australian
39 Fairway, PO Box 437,            ;-'         \      Geodynamics
Nedlands, WA  6009,  Australia     (            \     Cooperative
      Phone +61 9 389 8421         +    ___     /     Research
      Fax   +61 9 389 1906          L~~'   "\__/      Centre
s.cox at dem.csiro.au                            7

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