"Automatic" Zoom

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at cast.uark.edu
Thu Feb 3 10:00:31 EST 1994

The most straight forward solution would be to create a mask that is 
appropriate for the data. You could either use r.digit, or v.digit and v.to.rast
. Don't forget to label areas if you use v.digit.

> Hi people,
> I need a function, a tool or something else, that allows me to restrict 
> a region only where there are significant data (i.e. not zero!), without
> use d.zoom utility or interactive tools.
> Thank you in advance for any suggestion.
> -- FRY.
> ==============================================================  
> Davide Frisoni                      |  e-mail(internet):
> Forschungsinstitut fuer anwendungs- |  frisoni at faw.uni-ulm.de 
> orientierte Wissensverarbeitung FAW |
> Helmholzstr. 16                     |  Tel.:  +49-731-501 8626 
> D-89081 Ulm, Germany                |  FAX:   +49-731-501 999
> ==============================================================

Malcolm D. Williamson - Research Assistant       E-mail: malcolm at cast.uark.edu
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies      Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12                                        Fax: (501) 575-3846 
University of Arkansas              
Fayetteville, AR 72701

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