demo scripts

Jim Nolan jim%sar_ws at
Mon Feb 14 12:12:00 EST 1994

Hi everyone!!

I have been using grass now for about a year and now need
to come up with some good demos for a slick upper-level
management interface.

	1.  Can someone point me in the right general direction?
	2.  Does someone out there already have a nice demo that 
	    perhaps I could tweek for my own use?  Is there anything
	    available on "moon"?
	3.  What is a good UNIX Shell programming book to use as
	    a reference?

Thanks for your help,


My email address will not work correctly when you try to "Reply",
it must be manually changed to jim at
   Jim Nolan            	Phone: (301) 763-7439
   National Ice Center    	Fax: (301) 763-4621
   4251 Suitland Rd.    	email: jim at
   FB#4, Rm. 2301
   Washington, DC 20395

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