importing NTF data

Patricia Woodman larwodmn at
Fri Feb 18 11:27:48 EST 1994

Grass user

Does anyone have experience using NTF DEM data with grass. If so I desperatly
need some help!

I have managed to import the data by changing the format and using
**. This appears to work perfectly, BUT when the image is
displayed it is distorted.

I think this probably has something to do with the fact that the data is
collected in tiles, starting at the SW corner and moving north, once the
top is reached it begins at the bottom of the next column again. I would
have though that this would simply result in a the image being mirrorred
or being aligned north-south instead of east-west or something like that.

Has anyone out there got any ideas as to why I am getting a distorted image.

Patricia (Paddy) Woodman                   Telephone (0734) 875123
Department of Archaeology                  Fax (0734) 314404
University of Reading                      Email larwodmn at
PO Box 218

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