U.S.L.E &/or R.U.S.L.E

Tom Nelson tom%alla at []
Mon Jan 3 10:37:20 EST 1994

Betty Alex of the N.P.S. at Big Bend requested this posting.

She is seeking all / any information on automated Universal Soil Loss Equation calculation using GRASS. 
Bibliographic references articles or other publications are much appreciated.

all answers are appreciated.
please reply either to the list or 
  tom%alla@[]                                            |

|                                                                    |
|  Tom Nelson                                                        |
|  Corps of Engineers                                                |
|  Fort Worth, Texas                                                 |
|  (817) 334-2095                                                    |
|                                                                    |
|  tom%alla@[]                                            |

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