Installation of grass4.1 binary version for SPARC,problem

Chris W Skelly gewcs at
Tue Jan 4 16:11:01 EST 1994


Hopefully my research assisstant will see this and respond, but I 
don't know if he is around this week. Anyhow, the problem as we have
be able to suss out is that Xgrass really isn't `X` dependent but
Motif dependent --- it should be Mgrass!!! The source of the errors
are that Xgrass is looking for mwm (I am guessing, motif window
manager?) and thus it can't find the key mappings or some such that
it it runs but displays piles of annoying error messages.

The new version of Solaris that SUN is now shipping has Motif included
in it. It is also _supposed_ to be backward compatible, ie it should 
run GRASS without recompiling...ho ho ho, we shall see.

a cynic in the tropics,

chris skelly

p.s. don't get me wrong Xgrass or Mgrass its a great improvement!

On 4 Jan 1994, Terje Midtboe wrote:

> Hi!
> My name is Terje Midtboe. I have today installed the
> new binary-version of grass4.1 on a SPARC station.
> We are using X11 windows-system.
> It seeems to work, BUT a lot of warning messages is showing up at the
> window where I started xgrass. I guess it is only a detail I need to
> fix. Is there anybody who can tell me how to make the program run
> without these warnings.
> Example of the warnings:
> /usr/local/grass% xgrass4.1
> Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name:
> osfActivate
> Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfActivate:
> ManagerGadgetSelect() '
> Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name:
> osfSelect
> Warning: ... found while parsing '       <Key>osfSelect:
> ManagerGadgetSelect() '
> Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfHelp
> Warning: ... found while parsing '       <Key>osfHelp:
> ManagerGadgetHelp() '
> Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name:
> osfBeginLine

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