site operations

Simon Cox simon at
Thu Jan 6 21:29:54 EST 1994

Philip Verhagen wrote:

>. By the way, to my knowledge the concept of
> 'attribute of a site_list' is not very clear in GRASS. Some programs (like
> assume that you have a 'real' attribute when its preceded by a
> #, and otherwise it's considered a comment.

I agree that this is not clear, and not clearly documented either!

> For screen display: I found the
> program (I don't remember who wrote it, it's somewhere on the
> net) very helpful,

I think this is one of Srin's - except that his/her ftp site is inaccessible
at the moment so I haven't been able to get at it ...

> and I'm sure I'm not the only one that has made a
> program that can make a label-file from a site_list so you can actually
> SEE what's in you site_list.

Please explain more ... I have found accessing the labels/attributes
frustrating until now ...
DO you have a script to do this working?



      __  L     Dr Simon Cox			
   ,~'  L_|\    VIEPS Department of Earth Sciences, 
,-'         \   Monash University, Clayton Vic 3168        
(            \  Australia
\    ___     /          Phone +61 3 905 5762
 L,~'   "\_x/           Fax   +61 3 905 5062
           u    simon at

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