v.digit and workstations

Ken Sibley ksibley at ncg.scs.ag.gov
Wed Jan 12 11:00:27 EST 1994


If you are sitting at the IPX and using rlogin/telnet to get to the sparc 10
and running grass there then the digitizer must be plugged into the
serial port on the sparc 10.  If you are mounting grass from the sparc 10
and actually running grass on the IPX then the digitizer needs to be
plugged into the IPX.  If this is the case then since you are using the
same binaries for the sparc 10 and the IPX you must be careful with
the $GISBASE/etc/digcap (4.1 grass) or the $GISBASE/etc/digitcap (4.0 grass)
to make sure the digitizer port is correct in both instances.

Ken Sibley
ksibley at ncg.scs.ag.gov

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