Question: g.setproj
mike camann
camann at
Wed Jan 12 15:36:56 EST 1994
GRASS users--
I need to digitize a map of North America in lat-lon coordinates and am
having some difficulty setting up the proper projection. Here is the
background info:
1) GRASS 4.1 update package 2 running on a Sun under SunOS 4.1.1.
2) When I create the location north_america, I answer the prompts to
set it up as lat-lon, with the DEFAULT_WIND:
proj: 3
zone: 0
north: 85N
south: 5N
east: 50W
west: 170W
cols: 1440
rows: 960
e-w resol: 0:02
n-s resol: 0:02
After accepting this default region, the location set-up routine asks
me what standard ellipse to use. Here is where the problem begins. My
base map was produced by the USGS in 1982 and the projection given in
the legend is transverse mercator. The ellipse is presumably clarke66,
which I have chosen as the standard ellipse for LOCATION
As I understand it, lat-lon is the _coordinate-system_, not the
projection. The manual page for g.setproj supports this
assumption. However, when I set up the location and even when
I run g.setproj independently, I am never given a chance to set
any projection-- only the coordinate system and the ellipse.
The DEFAULT_WIND file then shows lat-lon as the _projection_!
The manual page for g.setproj says, in part:
The user will be prompted for the projection name.
The specification of any projection other than ll will
generate a request to the user for a name of a standard
The projections of aea, lcc, merc, and tmerc will
generate a request to the user for the prime meridian
and standard parallel for the output map.
This makes sense, but when I run g.setproj it never asks for a
projection, only for an ellipse.
My question, then, is how do I set up this location with
coordinate-system = lat-lon, proj = tmerc, and ellipse = clarke66? If
the responses indicate a general problem, I will summarize for the
Michael Camann camann at
Department of Entomology camann at
University of Georgia (706) 542-1388
Athens, GA 30602 (706) 542-2276
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