
Darrell McCauley mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu
Thu Jan 13 13:11:11 EST 1994

Gail Goulet (goulet at vulcan1.hac.com) writes on 13 Jan 94:
>I've been working with the 4.1 version of d.3d to display dted data.  I am
>interested in plotting vector data (3d) on this display.  Has any work been
>done in this area?

depending on what you want to do, g.gnuplot may be the trick.
it can plot vector/raster/site. It should be in the 
moon.cecer.army.mil:grass/incoming (haven't checked lately)
along with a postscript tutorial. there are a few scripts for
data handling on pasture.ecn.purdue.edu:pub/mccauley/grass


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