grass in Solaris2.3

ye qi qi at cdrgsc2.UCSD.EDU
Mon Jan 17 23:13:34 EST 1994


I sent a message last week regarding running grass4.1 in Solaris 2.3 environment.

A few weeks ago, I ftped the compiled grass4.1 for Solaris2.x from /grass/incoming. It had been running very well until our Solaris2.2 was replaced with Solaris 2.3.  Now I have a problem starting graphics
monitor.  When I run d.mon I always get the following message:

--------------------------------------------------------- x0: fatal: can't open file: errno=2
Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!

I tried the compiled programs in /grass/release/binary/sun4,  I can start graphics monitor, but I get
error message while running d.display (eof graphics monitor error).  

Could anyone give me an idea why this happens and how can I fix it ?

Thank you.

Ye Qi

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