USGS dems into grass
Cliff Behrens
cliff at
Wed Jan 19 10:01:23 EST 1994
Just in case you haven't tried this yet, here's the drill:
1) dd if=diskfilename ibs=10240 | \
m.dmaUSGSread top=1 bottom=400 left=1 right=500 \
output=dem logfile=log
Of course you need to substitute the right parms for your area. (I left
the blocking parm as above.)
2) m.rot90 input=dem output=dem.r90
rows=400 cols=500 bpc=2
3) Create a region (in UTM coordinates) with g.region, then input=dem.r90 output=dem.utm
dimension=500,400 bpc=2 res=3,3
corner=sw,37:13N,103:45W spheroid=wgs72
in the command above you have to give lat-long for a corner of your
dem using the wgs72 spheroid. The command should create all
the necessary support files for you. But if you run into problems,
just run
Best of luck,
Cliff Behrens
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