Proximity functionality in GRASS?

Brian Culpepper brian at
Wed Jan 26 17:33:44 EST 1994

> Hi,
> 	How would GRASS best answer a question like:
> "Show me all areas that are 5 miles from site A?"
> 				-OR-
> "What areas are 50 meters from highway C AND have a slope of 3-5 degrees?"
> Assuming I already know the terrain characteristics, what is the best method
> for asking GRASS this question?  I was thinking of some sort of proximity
> function, but I've found nothing in the manual so far.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
> 	Dianne

Maybe this will work....

g.region map= "site.rast"
r.buffer input=site.rast output=site.buff (with proper params. of 50m)
r.cats site.buff (what cat# is 50m?)
r.reclass slope (slopes of 3-5 deg. equal to 1)
r.mapcalc answer = if((site.buff == "cat#") && slope.reclass)

I'm sure there must be a faster way, but I think this will work....
Don't flame me if not though.

R. Brian Culpepper                                 Research Assistant
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies           (fax) 501 575-3846
Rm. 214 Ozark Hall                                (work) 501 575-6159
University of Arkansas                            brian at
Fayetteville, AR 72701
All opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies or the University of Arkansas.

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