Projection problem

W. Fredrick Limp fred at
Thu Jan 27 08:51:00 EST 1994


you will need to create a new location.  You can move data
from the Mercator to Lambert via v.proj but all data in
one location needs to be of the same location.
> Grasshoppers,
> I am having a problem registering a map of the Great
> Lakes.  Originally, I was digitizing in maps that were
> in a lambert conformal projection.  I had no problem with
> this map and in fact the registration was quite accurate.
> Now we have switched to a mercator projection and this is 
> just giving me all kinds of problems.  When I register the 
> map, my registration is not even close.  Do I need to create
> a new location for this new map?  Is there any other way to 
> handle this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jim
> X                                                              X 
> X   Jim Nolan            	Phone (301) 763-7439           X
> X   National Ice Center    	Fax (301) 763-4621             X
> X   4251 Suitland Rd.    	EMail jim at  X
> X   FB#4, Rm. 2301                                             X
> X   Washington, DC 20395                                       X
> X                                                              X

W. Fredrick Limp,   Director                     FAX: (501) 575-3846
CAST, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies   TEL: (501) 575-6159     
12 Ozark Hall, University of Arkansas         
Fayetteville AR 72701                             fred at 

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