general subject of SPCS

Gerald I. Evenden gie at
Wed Jul 27 14:40:05 EDT 1994

As an alternative to using *proj* to perform SPCS conversion, a simpler
and more flexible method is to use the program *nad2nad*.  It is
distributed as part of the PROJ.4 system.

It will convert to-from geographic, SPCS, and UTM in any mix.  It
will also perform NAD27<->83 conversions (for US and territories) in the
same step.

It ain't GRASS and its installation is different but it works on
most Unix systems (almost guaranteed, if you have gcc installed).

Gerald (Jerry) I. Evenden   Internet: gie at
voice: (508)563-6766          Postal: P.O. Box 1027
  fax: (508)457-2310                  N.Falmouth, MA 02556-1027

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