Calcomp plotter

Arlin B Collins arlin at
Wed Jun 1 11:31:55 EDT 1994

In article <199405312019.PAA14485 at> you wrote:
: Does anyone know where I can find a driver to send output to a Calcomp
: 1044 plotter?  I have looked in Grass 4.1 and it doesn't appear that there
: are any drivers for Calcomp machines included in Grass.

: If there aren't any drivers available, can anyone suggest another solution?
: For example, are there any software packages available via ftp that may allow
: me to send output to an HP Laserjet.  I remember hearing something about a
: program called Newsprint.
:                                          Thanks in advance,
:                                          Gary Casabona
:                                          Virginia Tech
:                                          Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife
:                                          casabona at
:                                          (703) 231-5910

I am undergoing similiar  'driver' troubles with another
model  (  Encad NovaJet,  "E" inkjet)  anyway...
I believe you will find that   NewsPrint is  Sun's proprietary
"postscript" stuff  you're  Sun-sales person should know 
how to provide it...  and provide info as to its applicability.
good luck,

  Arlin B Collins             Info Sys Mgr - TIAER
  arlin at    Box T-258, 201 St. Felix
  817/968-9573                Tarleton State Univ.
  fax 968-9568                Stephenville, TX  76402

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